In 2023, I found myself unexpectedly thrust back into rural life on a Hebridean island off the West Coast of Scotland. Living and working for an estate in the Ardmeanach Peninsula on the Isle of Mull. Wellspring is a series of works that document my search for meaning and understanding within that landscape. A psychogeographical response to specific synchronicities in landmarks and landforms that grounded me in a year of uncertainty. This work represents the continuing story of the Ardmeanach Peninsula. The living present tells of the violent past. The Sycamore tree mirroring the towering Basalt steps of the Peninsula in her own bark. The future bubbles and forms in the shadows of the wellspring. Calcite and lime premonitions in the cave.
Wellspring; (noun): a source of continual supply.
Wellspring, 2024, installation, photographic wallpaper prints, graphite and charcoal on handmade cotton rag paper, and artist book, about-place/ about-face, Caloundra Regional Gallery.